Geospatial technologies encapsulate sets of generic terms used to describe a wide range of modern tools that assist in geographic mapping and analysis of the Earth and human societies for the purpose of decision making. The use of geospatial techniques like remote sensing, Geographical Information Systems (GIS), and Global Positioning Systems (GPS) in Environmental Impact Analysis (EIA) analysis and reporting have enhanced significant viewing, buffering, query, mathematical computation, neighbourhood analysis and networking for map‐making capabilities. However, one of the main challenges is to have access to the utmost up‐to‐date and accurate geospatial data and interpretations. This paper focuses on discussing the application of geospatial tools in environmental impact assessment for developmental planning, policy formulation, and decision‐making. Several specific relevant applications of geospatial tools required for EIA are the crux of this paper. This study focuses on the possibility of using geospatial technologies to conduct EIA, which should make it possible to upload, evaluate, maintain, and report field and analytical data that have been stored in a variety of formats. Geospatial technologies have therefore become distinctive analytical tools which have taken the centre stage in environmental planning, monitoring, development and management. Literature were reviewed on the principle of GIS, components of GIS, uses of GIS, Geospatial Technologies applications in land administration, EIA procedures and application of remote sensing and GIS in EIA. The study is anchored on Concepts of Environmental Impact Assessment and Land Development. The paper identified geospatial technologies used for land administration, role of remote sensing and GIS in Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) well as software components. The study recommends putting in place a coherent system of digital database, effective utilization and management of data base and geospatial technologies by the concerned MDAs, data bank creation, improving the quality of information generation and usage, efficient and realistic policies for the management of information generated and sensitization and awareness campaign by GIS experts on modalities for adopting geospatial technologies. Others are devotion of adequate resources to geospatial technologies in terms of both hardware and software requirements by Governments at all levels and adequate funding of researches that are geospatially inclined.
Geospatial technologies, EIA, land development, Information System, MDAs