This study examines the landscape of Islamic women's scholarship and academic contributions in Nigeria, addressing the underrepresentation and marginalization of Muslim women scholars in the country. Despite significant cultural, religious, and socioeconomic barriers, Muslim women in Nigeria have made notable strides in advancing scholarship and intellectual discourse within Islamic studies, gender studies, literature, and other academic domains. The research aims to analyze their contributions, challenges, and impact on shaping intellectual discourse and social change. The study employs a mixed-methods approach, combining qualitative and quantitative data collection techniques. Methods include in-depth interviews with Muslim women scholars, focus group discussions, surveys, document analysis, and participant observation at relevant academic events. The research will be conducted across multiple states and regions in Nigeria with substantial Muslim populations and academic institutions. Key objectives include examining historical and contemporary contributions of Muslim women scholars, identifying barriers to their participation in academia, exploring their resilience and coping strategies, and assessing the broader impact of their scholarship. The study will also investigate the role of academic institutions, research centers, and civil society organizations in supporting and amplifying their voices. Expected outcomes include a comprehensive mapping of Muslim women scholars' contributions across various disciplines, documentation of challenges they face, insights into their coping strategies and support systems, and an assessment of their impact on intellectual discourse and social change. The research aims to provide recommendations for promoting greater representation and empowerment of Muslim women scholars in Nigeria. This study contributes to the growing body of literature on Muslim women's scholarship by offering a nuanced understanding of their experiences, challenges, and contributions within the Nigerian context. By highlighting the vital role of Muslim women scholars in shaping discourse on Islam, gender, and social justice, this research seeks to foster a more inclusive and equitable academic environment. The findings will inform policies and practices aimed at dismantling systemic barriers and creating opportunities for Muslim women's intellectual contributions to flourish in Nigeria's diverse academic landscape.
Landscape, Islamic, Women's Scholarship, Academic Contributions, Nigeria