This study examined political leadership and underdevelopment in Nigeria. The challenges associated with leadership and developments in Nigeria are well documented, especially in this age of globalization. While many tend to blame the North's industrialized western nations, the source of Nigeria's problems lies in the country's own leadership response to critical issues, including poverty, food security, political instability, and technological development. The study takes a form of library research approach where extant literatures were reviewed on the topic under study. The Implication of bad or corrupt political leadership in Nigeria is manifold with effects on all sectors of the country including the economic, political and even social spheres of the nation, and these include economic implication, political implication and social implication. Some of the challenges of leadership impeding national development include; lack of rule of law, absence of transparency and accountability, corruption challenges and lack of ideology. The study recommended among others that there should be absolute practices of the rule of law according to international standards without prejudice and that political leaders should see themselves as servants and not masters.
Leadership, Political leadership, Underdevelopment, Corruption